FromTim OsbornDateFri Sep 15 12:01:00 2006
ToØyvind Paasche
CCKeith Briffa, Eystein Jansen, Jonathan T. Overpeck
SubjectRe: Final checks on figures and captions Email 1 of 2
Hi Oyvind,
I was off work yesterday so I couldn't check the tables until today. Keith and I have
spotted some corrections that need to be made, some my mistakes and some due to other
changes. Sorry! Anyway all are shown as tracked changes (plus explanation comments) in
the attached file. Hope this is all clear and ok.
At 17:02 13/09/2006, Øyvind Paasche wrote:

tim - that's very good, the minor error in box fig.1 is now corrected. I think the lines
in fig.6.10 and 6.14 are sufficiently thick so if its up to me we'll leave them as they
are. I believe that all the figures are incorporated into the Word file the same way and
I can't see any big difference between 6.10 and 6.14. TSU have eps formats of all the
figures and in the end they will probably use an entirely different program than Word to
construct the report, so I guess there's nothing to worry about.
Anyway, I have cleaned the standing version of the tables (attached) and if you (and/or
Keith) could go through them a last time and check that everything is as it should be
that would be nice. I have one question concerning one of the refs in table 6.2: Does
Bertrand et al., 2002b correspond to
Bertrand, C., M.F. Loutre, M. Crucifix, and A. Berger, 2002b: Climate of the last
millennium: a sensitivity study. Tellus Series a-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography,
54(3), 221-244.

I've checked that the figures and captions are the final versions and they are all
correct for figures 6.10-6.14.
I've also checked Box 6.4, Figure 1 and here there is an error with the caption. The
caption ends with the reference period which currently states '...the period 800-1995."
I got this wrong. The correct statement is "...the period 1001-1980."
Sorry about that (it was a mistake carried over from our earlier use of the figure from
Osborn and Briffa, 2006, Science: for that paper we did use 800-1995).
Were you also after a check of the image quality? The figures I'm involved with all
look pretty good, except that 6.10 is a bit blurry or lower quality. Was it inserted
into Word in a different way to the others that might have degraded the image? Also, I
wonder whether I should make the lines on Figure 6.10(b) and/or Figure 6.14(b) any
thicker? Please let me know if you want me to do this.
At 01:46 13/09/2006, Jonathan Overpeck wrote:

Hi all - We're editing main text, and we think we're close to the right length without
having to make significant cuts beyond what you've seen already - it's mostly down to
editing for consistent style and clarity. That's good news.
Øyvind recently sent (working very late over their) the attached figs and caption files
(being sent in two files to keep each half under 10 Mb), and rather than Peck trying to
figure out if it's all perfect, we're sending to YOU look at your figures and captions
to make sure they are the most up-to-date versions. Thanks! It's a challenge to make
sure we have all the most recent pieces, although we're betting that we're doing ok.
Tomorrow (I hope - thanks Øyvind!) we'll send tables - hoping Tim, Keith, and Fortunat
will be waiting to comment/edit if needed.
We're in much better shape than last cycles thanks to all your hard work - hope we can
make this last bit easy for you. We appreciate you working fast when we send material.
Thanks, Peck and Eystein
Jonathan T. Overpeck
Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth
Professor, Department of Geosciences
Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
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Dr Timothy J Osborn, Academic Fellow
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Dr. Øyvind Paasche
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research/
Department of Earth Science
University of Bergen
Allé gt. 55
N-5007, Bergen
Phone direct: +47 55583297
Cell phone: +47 93048919

